SC16-001: Advanced Parallel Programming in C++
- Introduction to C++17 and C++20, Hartmut Kaiser, 10 a.m. CT to 10:45 a.m CT, Slides
- Q&A, 10:45 a.m CT to 11:00 a.m. CT
- Break, 11:00 a.m CT to 11:10 a.m. CT
- Introduction to asynchronous programming and the parallel algorithms, Patrick Diehl, 11:10 am. CT to 12 p.m CT, Slides
- Lunch break, 12 p.m CT to 1 p.m CT
- Exercise 1, Parallel implementation of the 2D finite difference scheme, 1 p.m CT to 1:45 p.m CT
- Break, 1:45 p.m CT to 2 p.m CT
- Introduction to distributed programming, Steve Brandt, 2 p.m CT to 2:45 p.m CT
C++ Explorer
The source code and Docker image is available on GitHub.
Parallel algorithms and asynchronous programming
Some lecture slides, additional exercises, and some course notes are available here.